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Friday, 18 April 2008

IPSJ Rooms & Grounds

This image is what a classroom in every villa has...IPSJ has 12 villa's every room is used as a classroom.

And this image is what our Gymnasium looks like, which there are students practicing for the upcomming graduation ceremony.

**more images to upload**

IPSJ Friendster Account


There are many fiendster accounts created named IPSJ. But there is an account that is well known by IPSJ students which is: (just click the link below)

IPSJ Friendster Account

Sorry if there are anymore accounts created..but this is the only friendster account known by most of the past and present students of IPSJ.

If your an IPSJian just add it up, if u have an account an friendster account. If you still don't have one, create one now!..

Students of IPSJ...just keep supporting and loving our school. And for the alumni's like me please don't forget that you're still part of IPSJ...so keep respecting and loving it.